User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: EOBR troubles * France - The UPTR complains "lost minutes"

Oct 14, 2011

EOBR troubles * France - The UPTR complains "lost minutes"

Ardennes,France -Truck & Business, by Michel Buckinx -13 Oct 2011: -- The UPTR (Union professionnelle du Transport par Route) problem of "lost minutes" earlier raised. Reminder: the oldest tachographs is the simple fact of a vehicle stop and charged a full minute spell. This means that tachographs record driving time is more than the time actually driving. To prove the UPTR findings done by a bailiff. That the interests of a carrier who was summoned to the police court. The result? The tachograph recorded 2 minutes and 5 am, the bailiff ... 3 hours and 47 minutes...



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