User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Truckers Cry Foul * USA - Urge WSIB insurance review

Nov 4, 2010

Truckers Cry Foul * USA - Urge WSIB insurance review

"If open market covers a driver 24 hours a day for 'X' amount of premium, WSIB will cover him only during working for five times high premium ... "

Mumbai,India -The South Asian Focus, by Nouman Khalil -November 3, 2010: -- The Indian Trucking Association has said the WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) displays a stringent and monopolistic attitude and has called upon McGuinty government to introduce an open disability insurance policy... Nachhattar Singh Chohan, president of Indian Trucking Association said, companies in the open market are offering more coverage, better service at five times cheaper rates but still it is mandatory for truck drivers and owners to take policy from WSIB... "Let me give you an example. If a company in the open market covers a driver 24 hours a day for 'X' amount of premium, WSIB will cover him only during working for five times high premium. Similarly WSIB covers only up to the age of 65 while others offer up to the age of 70"... He also called upon the ministry of transport to resolve the long-standing axle load issue related to dump and gravel trucks and the lien problem in the trucking industry... (Photo from Konkan railways passes through tough terrains of India)



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