We can eliminate drunk driving – we will eliminate drunk driving – with your help
Irving,TX,USA -MADD National (PR), by Laura Dean-Mooney -MADD President- 11 April 2010: -- On Tuesday, the 14th, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will be hearing testimony on lifesaving ignition interlock legislation ... The legislation would strongly encourage states to require ignition interlocks for all drunk driving offenders by taking away some of their highway funding if they don’t comply. New Mexico and Arizona were the first two states to pass this legislation and, since then, both have had drunk driving deaths drop by 30%... If we could pass this legislation nationwide, we could save literally thousands of lives each year. Unfortunately, we’ve been battling the alcohol industry and drunk driving defense attorneys tooth and nail to make this simple change, so it’s really important that we get the support of the committee... Please let your legislators know you want this vital legislation today. I can’t tell you how much it would mean to me and to the fight against drunk driving if every Senator I talk to Tuesday has already heard the voice of people like you, demanding this change... If you doubt why this is so important, take a look at this video. It’s the story of six families destroyed by the impact of one person’s tragic decision to drink and drive... Please email your senators today!Labels: drunken drivers, truck ban
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