Monterrey,Nuevo Leon,Mexico —The Trucker -13 April 2010:-- Secretary of Communications and Transportation, Juan Molinar Horcasitas, and U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, met Monday here to discuss the broad range of transportation issues of fundamental economic interest to both countries...The secretaries reviewed the status of motor carrier issues of mutual importance to the U.S. and Mexico, and confirmed their intent to resolve these issues as a highest priority. In particular, the countries will establish a working group to consider next steps of the cross-border trucking program, a DOT news release said... (In particular, the countries will establish a working group to consider next steps of the cross-border trucking program, a DOT news release said)
* USA - Cross-border announcement may come soon - Decision is imminent on the cross-border issue
Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Reed Black -April 9, 2010: -- A long-awaited decision by the Obama administration on what to do about Mexican cross-border trucking could come as early as next month, according to Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood... “Well, what we think will happen is when President Calderon, the president of Mexico, is coming to the United States to meet with President Obama in May -- I think there will be some announcements during his visit as to the way we will proceed with Mexican trucks,”said LaHood...President Obamais scheduled to host a state dinner for Mexican President, Felipe Calderon, on May 19...
* USA - House Members Rip Cross-Border Trucking.Group led by DeFazio wants U.S.-Mexican trucking provisions out of NAFTA
Washington,DC,USA -The Journal of Commerce Online, by William B. Cassidy -Apr 14, 2010:-- Instead of working on a new cross-border trucking program with Mexico, some members of Congress want the United States to renegotiate the North America Free Trade Agreement... Provisions requiring cross-border trucking between the United States and Mexico should be stripped from NAFTA, 78 members of Congress told the Obama administration today... Congress is unlikely to approve any cross-border trucking program with Mexico, they warned Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, and U.S. Trade Representative, Ron Kirk...The 72 Democrats and six Republicans also stressed the economic and security concerns about allowing Mexican trucks to operate beyond the 20-mile border commercial zone...
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