Traffic fatality rate per 100 million miles traveled
Washington,DC,USA -USA TODAY, by Larry Copeland -12 April 2010: -- Fewer Americans are killed in automobile crashes than at any time since the 1950s, but the nation can do better — much better, according to a growing number of highway safety advocates and transportation officials pushing the USA to adopt a goal of zero traffic fatalities... The approach is called Toward Zero Deaths, based on a philosophy that even one road death is morally and ethically unacceptable. The goal: to alter behaviors that cause fatalities, such as speeding, drunken or distracted driving, and lack of seat belts. Speeding is a factor in more than 31% of road deaths, drunken driving in 32%, and distracted driving in about 16%. And 55% of those killed in passenger vehicles are not wearing seat belts, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration... Last year, 33,963 people died in traffic crashes in the USA, an 8.9% decline from 2008 and the lowest total since 1954, according to the Department of Transportation. The fatality rate of 1.16 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles traveled was the lowest since the government started tracking it in 1966...(Photo by Andy King / USA TODAY - Perry Wingen, left, and Alan Terpstra, of Minnesota Department of Public Safety, install new poles on the cable median guardrails in the center of Interstate-35 on Thursday. The State Patrol calls these "shredders" because they virtually destroy automobiles but allow occupants to walk away)
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