REST STOPS * USA - Cash/strapped New Mexico considers shuttering 13 places
Santa Fe,NM,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Clarissa Ken-Holland -April 23, 2010: -- A $150 million budget shortfall over the past three years has forced the New Mexico Department of Transportation to consider cutting 13 of its 32 critical rest stops... This isn’t welcome news for truckers traveling through the state who rely on these rest stops to take their 10-hour breaks.One seasonal rest stop is also on the chopping block in New Mexico... OOIDA MemberJerry Pike.ofGrants, NM, said that shuttering rest stops puts a lot of pressure on truckers already struggling to find places to stop and rest... The age of some of their state-run rest stops also plays largely into the decision about whether to keep some of them open.Most of them were built in the 1960s and 1970s, and many need updating that the state simply can’t do... He estimates that upgrading some of those rest stops could cost around $500,000 apiece... Another state that recently announced it was considering rest stop closures is New Jersey, which may close two to save an estimated $270,000 per year...(Photo from therealsantafe: The real Santa Fe "La Choza" restaurant area)
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