User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TOLLS * USA - West Virginia eyes 60 percent toll increase for trucks

Apr 17, 2009

TOLLS * USA - West Virginia eyes 60 percent toll increase for trucks

W.VA,USA -Land Line Magazine -April 15, 2009: -- As part of a plan unveiled by the West Virginia Parkways Authority, tolls on the state turnpike would increase by 60 percent for five-axle commercial vehicles... The current base toll for commercial trucks is $4.25, which would increase to $6.75 as part of the turnpike plan announced Friday, April 10... Tolls for passenger vehicles would also increase by 60 percent to $2 from a base toll of $1.25 under the preferred option offered by the parkways authority. Parkways officials and the firm of Wilbur Smith Associates offered 11 scenarios for officials to consider, ranging from no increase to an 80 percent increase for all vehicles... A recent study conducted in Ohio showed commercial vehicles left the state turnpike following a toll increase. Traffic returned when the toll increase was rescinded... OOIDA Director of Legislative Affairs Mike Joyce said there aren’t many alternatives around the West Virginia Turnpike, but truckers are good at finding the routes that best suit their operations...



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