User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN TRUCKS PROJECTS * USA - NY, NJ Port Authority should fix efficiency problems

Apr 16, 2009

CLEAN TRUCKS PROJECTS * USA - NY, NJ Port Authority should fix efficiency problems

Rajkovacz: “Simply attacking the driver’s status doesn’t do it”

New York,NY,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Charlie Morasch -April 14, 2009: -- Every time Paul Yurkovac hears environmentalists or union leaders calling for port bans on owner-operators, he wants to set them straight... Yurkovac who is an OOIDA member and works full time as public relations/project coordinator for the Owner Operators Coalition of Virginiasaid anyone blaming owner-operators for port diesel emissions is missing the point... “People who aren’t familiar with port operations – it’s easy for them to point their finger at anyone driving an older truck,” Yurkovac told Land Line. “They’re not the source of the problem; they’re a result of the problem.”... “If you’re starving because you can only make it to the port two times a day – cutting wait times by half could allow you to double your income and have the money to retrofit your truck,” Yurkovac said. “If they fix the inefficiencies of the port, and drivers could get off the port in say half the time, more profits would go to owner-operators, which inevitably will lead to equipment upgrades as they’re necessary. But you can’t look at owner-operators who are forced to deal with these inefficiencies and turn around and blame them for having to wait to load or unload.”... “To take the issue of the economics surrounding port drayage and just simply lay it off as a problem with the status of drivers being an employee or an owner-operator is simplistic, to say the least,” Rajkovacz said. “The problems are more systemic than they are the issue of the driver’s status. All of the problems that complicate an owner-operator’s profitability are still going to be present – even if they are employee drivers. So you must get to the root causes that complicate a driver’s life...



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