User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Clean-trucks Case * USA - Court Denies FMC Injunction in

Apr 16, 2009

Clean-trucks Case * USA - Court Denies FMC Injunction in

Washington,DC,USA -The Journal of Commerce Online, by R.G. Edmonson -Apr 16, 2009: -- A federal court has dealt the Federal Maritime Commission a serious blow in the commission’s efforts to assert its regulatory authority in the Los Angeles-Long Beach clean-trucks program... Judge, Richard A. Leon, of the U.S. District for the District of Columbia on Thursday denied the FMC’s bid for a preliminary injunction in the case... Leon ruled that the FMC had not shown that the program to subsidize trucking companies’ conversion to cleaner diesel trucks would result in a reduction of competition in the drayage business, nor would it cause an unreasonable increase in transportation costs... In the court’s opinion, transportation costs may increase, but because of the added costs of the clean truck program, not a decline in competition, according to the judge’s opinion...



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