Power Units * USA - Law protects truckers’ use of
Bangor,ME,USA -The Bangor Daily News, by Nick Sambides Jr. -9 April 2009: -- When the state started pushing auxiliary power units last year as a means for truckers to save on fuel costs, Larry Sidelinger’s Yankee Pride Transportation Co. of Damariscotta bought four units for his diesel trucks, he said Wednesday... The units save him as much as 175 gallons of diesel fuel a week, but came with a significant drawback... The units weigh almost 400 pounds each. That extra weight left the trucks vulnerable to laws governing highway weight limits for vehicles, which come with heavy fines for overweight trucks... That’s why Sidelinger was pleased that Gov. John Baldacci signed LD 37, which is legislation that extends a weight tolerance for vehicle auxiliary power units in the laws governing highway weight limits for vehicles... The legislation allows for the subtraction of 400 pounds from gross weight measurements taken of trucks carrying the units, effectively eliminating the weight of the APUs...
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