User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: GAS TAX * USA - Idaho House rejects "piddly" hike to pay for road, bridge maintenance

Apr 10, 2009

GAS TAX * USA - Idaho House rejects "piddly" hike to pay for road, bridge maintenance

Boise,IDH,USA -The Associated Press/The Truckerm by JOHN MILLER -9 April 2009: -- The House voted 37-32 Thursday against boosting Idaho's gasoline tax by 2 cents to 27 cents per gallon, even after supporters said it was "piddly" and would have cost Idaho drivers just $12 a year... Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter originally wanted to raise the gas tax by 10 cents a gallon over five years to raise $174 million for road and bridge maintenance. But the Legislature rejected that idea, along with subsequent proposals to raise the tax by 7 cents, 5 cents, 4 cents — and now just 2 cents... But Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Eagle, argued that the Idaho Transportation Department and local road districts already are getting about $800 million this year in federal and state road money, including a one-time infusion from the federal stimulus. Labrador said the agency, which has been criticized for its inefficiency, shouldn't get any more from drivers as the faltering economy boosts unemployment and forces state government to cut back elsewhere...(Photo: Idaho Broads)



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