User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' LIFE * USA - Truckload lightening the load

Mar 10, 2009

TRUCKERS' LIFE * USA - Truckload lightening the load

They are the nomads of the american highway...

North Attleboro,MA,USA -DC Velocity, by By Peter Bradley -(originally published:) Jun/2003: -- They are the nomads of the american highway, spending long days on the road and long nights in their rigs... They don't know where tomorrow will take them until they've delivered a load and their dispatcher or broker has sent them on to the next job... Their pay depends entirely on how far they drive, but new restrictions regularly appear to slow them down or take them off the road for a while... They must share the highways with automobile drivers who clearly have no clue what it's like to maneuver a rig that's maxed out with 80,000 pounds of cargo... And, far too often, they're treated as nuisances by the very customers who count on them to pick up and deliver products... It's no wonder then that the life of a truckload driver is one that many abandon quickly... For the companies that hire those drivers, high employee turnover is as much a part of the job as pot holes or blown-out tires. During times of full employment, it's not uncommon for annual turnover to surpass 100 percent... According to Bill Graves, the president and CEO of the American Trucking Associations, "On average, for every 10-cent increase in the price of diesel fuel, 1,000 motor carriers will fail, and this figure only includes fleets with five trucks or more."... But shippers need truckers—but more specifically, shippers need truckers in decent financial shape, operating efficiently and making good use of their assets... (Picture: Semi Trucks at Night on the Shoulder of I 80)



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