User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: A historic cleanup * USA - Dirtiest diesels are gone

Mar 4, 2009

A historic cleanup * USA - Dirtiest diesels are gone

Torrance,CA,USA -Daily Breeze Editorial -1 March 2009: -- ... What people will remember is that the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles last month began collecting a $70 fee that will help pay for the biggest cleanup of shipping-related diesel pollution ever attempted. And already it is beginning to work smoothly... Already it has produced, according to rough estimates by the National Resources Defense Council, a 50percent reduction in diesel pollution from trucks hauling shipping containers to and from the two ports... Don't underestimate the significance of that. The two ports are the region's biggest single source of cancer-causing diesel pollution, and now they are becoming the cleanest in the world... The Clean Trucks program started only a dozen weeks ago; how could it have accomplished so much already? Simple. It began by banning trucks 20 years old or older, which are the filthiest polluters on wheels...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clean Trucks program should be continued. There is no point on letting 20+ years old trucks on operating. Not only will it contribute pollution that harms our health, it is also more expensive to maintain in the long run. Old trucks like this one requires more frequent maintenance and change oils. Not to mention that it is more weaker and gets unreliable. More trucks suitable to replace old ones can be found here -> Trucks Suppliers

1:27 PM  

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