User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKER'S STORY * USA - Trucking: Jobs stalled, for now

Mar 2, 2009

TRUCKER'S STORY * USA - Trucking: Jobs stalled, for now

Phoenix,AZ,USA -The Arizona Republic -Mar. 1, 2009: -- If you can't get a job anywhere else, you can fall back on driving a truck. There will always be openings... That's what David Garcia, 39, of Phoenix, believed when he decided four years ago that there was a limited future in construction. He enrolled in a three-month truck-driving program to find stable work to support his wife, four daughters and mortgage... And he did find fairly steady work delivering parts, wires, cable, lumber and other materials in the Phoenix area until he was laid off in December. His unemployment checks don't cover the mortgage payments... Everywhere Garcia applies he is told business is too slow or that others have beaten him there. "When I get there they always say (something like) you are like the 39th person of the day or the job is filled," he said... But Garcia said the only jobs he knows of are long-distance that send drivers across the country for at least two weeks at a time. And he wants to see his wife and kids... "Sometimes you have to stay out of the state for a month and then you come back for a couple of days. That's why I don't like that," Garcia said...



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