User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ENERGY PLAN * USA - T. Boone Pickens pitches one, in Montana

Mar 1, 2009

ENERGY PLAN * USA - T. Boone Pickens pitches one, in Montana

Helena,Mont,USA -chron (Houston,TX) /Associated Press , by KAHRIN DEINES -Feb. 27, 2009: Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens appeared with Montana's Gov. Brian Schweitzer Friday, to pitch his plan for decreasing the nation's dependence on foreign oil, a strategy that could give windy states like Montana a key role... In particular, Pickens has set a goal of converting 350,000 of the nation's large cargo trucks from diesel to natural gas within the next five years. To spur the transition, he said, would cost about $80,000 per vehicle or about $28 billion...
Pickens' plan, released last July, calls for offsetting half of the nation's foreign oil demand with natural gas and wind energy, a task he contends could be accomplished within ten years, given the right subsidies... "The natural gas will be the bridge to the next generation of fuels," Pickens said... Currently no money is marked for converting large trucks to natural gas as Pickens proposes. But wind-energy development is expected to receive a jolt from the federal stimulus package, which contains about $11 billion in funding for new transmission lines and $60 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy companies... Last year, 126 megawatts worth of wind power were captured in Montana, bringing the total to 271 megawatts... Schweitzer is pushing for new transmission lines in Montana that could carry energy from wind farms in the heartland to high-demand centers on the coasts. A high voltage, direct current line that could carry up to 3000 megawatts of power is currently proposed for the state. Alberta-based TransCanada Corp., the developer, has said the line could be in operation by 2014... (Picture: about my planet: wind energy)



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