User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKMAKERS' NEWS WORLDWIDE * USA - Nearly 10K premium for SCR trucks: Volvo

Mar 4, 2009

TRUCKMAKERS' NEWS WORLDWIDE * USA - Nearly 10K premium for SCR trucks: Volvo

Greenboro,N.C.,USA -Today's Trucking -3 March 2009: -- Upcoming Volvo Trucks with EPA'10 emissions reduction technology will include a surcharge of $9,600, the truckmaker announced... There was never any doubt selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology Volvo and most other manufacturers are using to meet the emissions reg would cost more. But OEMs going with SCR promise the extra up-front costs will be offset by 3 to 5 percent fuel economy savings -- a first since EPA ordered a three-stage emissions reduction mandate beginning in 2002...



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