User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Safety Questions * Canada - Raised about new truck speed limiters in Ontario and Quebec

Mar 2, 2009

Safety Questions * Canada - Raised about new truck speed limiters in Ontario and Quebec

Winnipeg,MB,Canada -The Canadian Press -1 March 2009: -- Ontario and Quebec decided to proceed on their own and now require tractor-trailers to be equipped with engine microchips that prevent vehicles from going faster than 105 kilometres an hour... The federal studies touted several benefits. Speed limiters would reduce fuel consumption, thereby saving diesel costs and cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Slower trucks would also make for safer roads, such as on four-or six-lane highways when traffic is light or moderate... But most other provinces balked at the spectre of having slow trucks and fast-moving cars battling for space on crowded freeways or undivided rural highways... Even a study commissioned by the federal government has concluded there are safety questions about speed limiters, especially in heavy traffic...



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