User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: INFRASTRUCTURES * Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan - Cooperate on transport one

Mar 4, 2009

INFRASTRUCTURES * Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan - Cooperate on transport one

Tashkent,Uzbekistán -Jahon news agency /ANTARA News/Asia Pulse -25 Feb 2009: -- Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are actively cooperating to develop and strengthen transport infrastructure by designing and using new economically profitable routes, Jahon news agency reports... Both countries' car and railway networks form economic competitive transnational transport corridors which connect Central Asian countries with the world's major markets. "The Navoi-Turkmenbashi-Baku-Kars transport route is the most perspective amongst transport routes. This route enables to provide access to markets of Europe, North Africa and Middle East. At present Uzbekistan enters Iran through the Turkmen Serakhs city and delivers some part of its exports to world markets," Jahon reported...



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