* Trucking company to bring Fulton jobs
Fulton,KY,USA -The Paducah Sun -September 03, 2008: -- Hartt Transportation Systems will open an office/warehouse facility in the Fulton Industrial Park by the end of the month, bringing with it almost 100 new jobs... Hartt Transportation serves the mainland United States and parts of Canada. It has a fleet of 535 tractors and 1,100 box vans, 45 flatbeds, and 25 tri-axle trailers. It began in 1948 with a single truck and now employs more than 350 people... A Hartt representative will conduct job interviews from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday through Sept. 10 at Fulton City Hall...* YRC Worldwide sheds 200 nonunion jobs
Chicago,ILL,USA -Reuters/The Guardian (London,UK), by Nick Carey, editing by Gerald E. McCormick -Sept 2, 2008: -- North America's largest trucking company YRC Worldwide Inc has shed roughly 200 nonunion jobs because of U.S. economic weakness, the company's top executive said on Tuesday... Chief Executive Bill Zollars said the job cuts were across the country and "at all different levels of the company," after measures such as early retirement for some full-time employees proved insufficient... The U.S. trucking sector has suffered from weak volumes since the third quarter of 2006 and has taken a pummeling from high oil prices...Labels: trucking industry news USA
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