Kingston,Jamaica -The Jamaica Observer, by INGRID BROWN -September 20, 2008: -- A group of disgruntled truckers yesterday threatened to block access to the Bailey bridge in Harbour View - which links Kingston to eastern Jamaica - if nothing is done to speed up repairs to the ford which was washed out Thursday by heavy rains... The week-old ford was constructed by private quarry operators after heavy flood waters from Tropical Storm Gustav destroyed the Hope River bridge, cutting off access to eastern Jamaica. A Bailey bridge was subsequently constructed, but heavy vehicles cannot use the structure because of the 10-tonne limit. It was then that the ford was constructed by the group of quarry operators - whose business rely heavily on access to quarries in St Thomas... Yesterday, the truckers expressed dissatisfaction that Government had not yet started construction on a sturdier ford to accommodate heavy-duty vehicles... (Photo: Lionel Rookwood - The Harbour View ford which was washed out during rains Thursday)
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