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Sep 19, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - Senate committee OKs bill to dedicate $1 billion for bridges

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by David Tanner -September 17, 2008: -- Legislation that lawmakers say will prevent bridge disasters like the tragic collapse 13 months ago in Minneapolis has been approved by a committee and is on its way to the Senate floor... The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved the bill that calls for the federal government to revise its prioritization methods for structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges... HR3999 also calls for the federal government to provide states with strict guidelines for fast-tracking repairs and rehabilitation. It would also dedicate an extra $1 billion for bridges...

* Wyoming lawmaker pursues tolling for Interstate 80

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine, by David Tanner -September 17, 2008: -- A state senator in Wyoming continues to pursue tolling as a way to fund maintenance and improvements on Interstate 80 despite the federal government’s recent denial of a tolling application filed by Pennsylvania officials... Highway users, including OOIDA, continue to oppose tolling proposals on existing interstates that have been paid for through fuel taxes and other user fees...

* Environmentalists tout emission fee as transit fund generator

Denver,COL,USA -Land Line Magazine, by By Keith Goble -September 18, 2008: -- A special state panel in Colorado has been told that an emission fee could be used to pay for transportation work in the state... An environmental coalition is proposing that motorists be charged a “greenhouse gas emission fee” on their vehicles. The revenue from the fee would top $500 million annually for road and bridge repairs, as well as transit work, The Denver Post reported... Advocates for the plan say that not only would the money aid roads, bridges and transit, but it would also encourage people to travel fewer miles, use more fuel-efficient vehicles, and reduce emissions.

* COMMENT - Paying for Roads

Washington,DC,USA -The Washington Post -15 Sept 2008: -- Although Congress has approved a bill putting $8 billion into the Highway Trust Fund, lawmakers could face a similar crisis next year if they do not seek out new sources of transportation funding, says an editorial in the Washington Post... The fund had an $8.1 billion surplus last October, but Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters predicted the balance would reach zero by the beginning of October this year, largely because of lower gas tax revenue due to people driving less... The next administration must work with Congress to find sustainable, environmentally logical sources of transportation funding"...



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