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Mar 6, 2008

TRUCKING INDUSTRY PROGNOSIS * Australia - Truckers swamped by crops

Australia's trucking industry is worried it may not have the capacity to move a bumper grain crop this year

Sydney,Australia -The Australian, by Simon Kearney -March 06, 2008: -- ... after rail freight company Pacific National pulled out of serving smaller NSW and Victorian towns... Australian Road Train Association chief executive Duncan Bremner said the rail pullout and the expectation of a big grain harvest following good rains in Queensland, NSW and Victoria had led to a "perfect storm" for the trucking industry... "We don't have enough trucks," Mr Bremner said. "With the harvest that is expected the industry is doing the sums and we can't get access to the vehicles. It's just going to be chaos."... The harvest begins in September in Queensland and moves slowly down the country to Victoria, whose grain harvest is in December... The 2008-09 grain harvest is expected to be significantly bigger than previous years of drought, as higher production and higher prices boost returns... Adding to the problems are recent changes to commonwealth truck registration charges... Mr Bremner said a B-Double truck configuration would now cost $14,000 to register, compared with $5000 for a semi-trailer, leading many in the industry to opt for a semi-trailer with less capacity... He said this could be one of a number of factors driving an increase in sales of heavy commercial vehicles this year, with drivers opting to purchase another truck rather than a two-trailer configuration...



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