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Mar 17, 2008

FUEL SHORTAGE * China - Prompt diesel rationing for truckers

Truck drivers waited in line to buy rationed diesel in China's southeast Monday after shortages hit the fast-growing region for the second time in six months amid surging demand

Beijing,China -The Associated Press/International Herald Tribune (Paris,France) -March 17, 2008: -- ... The shortages disrupted trucking in key export areas, but the impact on trade was unclear. Filling station employees said the two main state-owned oil companies have been delivering less fuel over the past week but have given no explanation... Shortages and rationing also were reported in the busy port of Xiamen and Shenzhen, a major trading center that abuts Hong Kong... In Guangzhou, the manager of the Haichuan Transportation Co. said Monday that deliveries were delayed by up to half a day as his drivers searched for filling stations with fuel and waited in line... Authorities have rejected appeals from oil companies to raise prices, saying they want to avoid hurting China's poor, who have endured sharp rises in food costs over the past six months... In Xiamen, the Duishan Filling Station limited truck drivers to buying 200 yuan (US$30; €20) of diesel, or about 38 liters (10 gallons), said an employee who would give her name only as Miss Sun...



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