User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Truck driver shortage - USA - Targeted with tuition finance program

Jul 6, 2006

Truck driver shortage - USA - Targeted with tuition finance program

Baltimore,MD,USA -Baltimore Business Journal, by Stephanie Wentworth - March 24, 2006 (Updated 6 July 06): -- The American Trucking Association and the Truckload Carriers Association say the effort is modeled on a program started last October by Watkins Shepard Trucking Inc., a Montana company... Trucking companies seeking to take advantage of the program will be paired with financial institutions able to offer driver recruits loans for schooling, the associations said. The motor carriers will guarantee the student's loans with the lenders, in exchange for the future-drivers agreeing to work for the trucking company after graduation... Truck driving training programs usually cost between $2,700 to $4,000 and last eight to 12 weeks. The courses are available at many community colleges...


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