User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Anti-idle Technology - Canada - CTA supports US weight exemption for

Jul 5, 2006

Anti-idle Technology - Canada - CTA supports US weight exemption for

OTTAWA,BC,Canada -Tday's Trucking -4 July 2006: -- The Canadian Trucking Alliance is in favour of a 400-lb weight exemption, contained in the US Energy Policy Act of 2005, for idle reduction systems or auxiliary power units installed on heavy-duty vehicles... "These technologies can reduce idling from trucks by as much as 90 percent, producing significant fuel and emission savings," CTA CEO David Bradley wrote in a letter to the US Department of Transportation... The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the utilization of such idling reduction technology could reduce fuel consumption of a long-haul tractor by 7,200 litres per year -- which would translate into a GHG emissions reduction of 19 metric tonnes, 2.8 kilograms of PM and more than 134 kilograms of NOx, Bradley notes... (Photo: Weight exemptions for carriers that spec anti-idling devices would help reduce tons of emissions, says CTA)


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