User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Teamsters - UK - To combine strength with international unions

Jul 5, 2006

Teamsters - UK - To combine strength with international unions

UK -Transport Intelligence -4 July 2006: -- Representatives from transport unions in the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland and Australia joined Teamsters General President James Hoffa as its Convention unanimously passed a resolution on "Organizing the Global Supply Chain"... The Teamsters Union believes it has the opportunity to combine its strength with unions around the world to ‘take on’ the global transportation companies such as UPS, FedEx, TNT and DHL... Steve Turner, National Secretary for Transport of the Transport and General Workers Union of Great Britain said: "None of us can stand alone in our countries and take on the global corporations who are changing the face of transport across the world. We will stand together for workers and for our collective future"...


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