Job/Research - USA - Shortage of drivers chronic, deepening

* Industry struggles to keep them trucking
* By-the-distance pay big part of the problem
Ontario, Canada -The Toronto Star, by KEVIN MCGRAN -July 4, 2006: -- The trucking industry across North America has a chronic problem recruiting and retaining good drivers, with turnover rates near 30 per cent and rising, according to a new study... Truckers complain most often about poor working conditions and being paid based on distance, say management researchers at the University of Arkansas who collected personnel information from top managers of 326 large U.S. trucking companies... Professors John Delery and Nina Gupta say technology offers some remedy to the ails of the industry by changing how truckers are paid and by giving drivers more of the comforts of home on the road... Paid by the mile, truckers say they don't get enough miles to make it worth their while... Delery stopped short of calling the incentive-based, pay-by-distance system obsolete, but said in an interview that the system was rooted in a time when trucking companies had little if any capacity to supervise truckers. Today, on-board computers with global tracking systems give companies the ability to supervise their employees, meaning trucking companies could begin paying hourly wages, or even yearly salaries... Delery said the simple solution to high driver turnover is to increase pay and benefits, and to get truckers home earlier...
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