User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING JOBS * USA: The most in six months

Jan 12, 2016

TRUCKING JOBS * USA: The most in six months

* DC - Trucking industry gains most jobs since 2013 in December

-- December experienced the largest job gain in more than two years for the transportation industry. The trucking subsector received the most jobs in six months... The overall transportation sector gained more than 23,000 jobs in December, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is the largest increase since November 2013 when more than 30,000 jobs were added to the economy... The truck transportation subsector experienced an increase of more than 5,000 jobs after the industry gained more than 2,000 in November and 400 in October. December’s increase is the most since last June when 7,400 jobs were added... 
(Photo)  --  Washington, DC, USA - Land Line, by Tyson Fisher - 8 January 2016



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