User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ELECTRONIC MANIFESTS at USA & Canada Border

Jan 12, 2016


* Ontario - Canadian eManifest deadline looms for US truckers

-- Come Monday, U.S. truckers arriving at the Canadian border may find a surprise waiting for them: fines, if they haven’t submitted an electronic manifest beforehand... Jan. 11 is the date the Canada Border Service Agency starts assessing “monetary penalties” to truckers and railroads that don’t transmit electronic shipment manifests ahead of time... Electronic manifests are required at every crossing point on the 5,525 mile U.S.-Canadian border. Millions of eManifests will be transmitted each year. In 2014, the last year for which annual data was available, 5.8 million trucks crossed the U.S.-Canadian border, a 2.7 percent increase from 2013. Trucks carried 53.8 percent of the $658.2 billion of freight shipped to and from Canada in 2014, and 65.6 percents of U.S. exports to Canada moved by truck... There are several routes to compliance for carriers, large and small. First, CBSA offers an eManifest Portal. Registered trucking companies can use the portal to transmit basic arrival information and shipment data to CBSA... That may be a solution for smaller carriers or companies with infrequent shipments, but those regularly crossing the border likely will use theier own EDI systems or a third-party partner, such as Descartes, to send eManifests... 
Ottawa, ONT, CAN - JOC, by William B. Cassidy - Jan 09, 2016

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