User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING NUCLEAR WASTE * Canada: Through densely populated residential areas

Jan 12, 2016

TRUCKING NUCLEAR WASTE * Canada: Through densely populated residential areas

* Stop Canada: This should be stopped before tragedy occurs!

-- We’ve recently seen News articles highlighting the need for tighter regulations on shipping thousands of gallons of highly enriched liquid uranium from Canada to South Carolina. The approved travel route uses the Peace Bridge, south on Niagara Thruway, then west on the mainline Thruway for shipments that started Jan. 1 and run through May 31, 2018. These materials will pass dangerously close, within hundreds of yards, to densely populated residential neighborhoods, with the only barrier being a guardrail or chain-link fence... Canadian authorities approve nuclear facilities to operate within their borders and should take responsibility for the hazardous waste produced within their borders. Our citizens should not be exposed to possible harm as a result of their decisions... 
(Photo: Canadian nuclear waste heading for SC, USA) -- Buffalo, NY, USA - Buffalo News, by Susan Kims - 11 January 2016

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