User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' STRIKE * India

Apr 6, 2015


* Kerala - Prices to go up if trucker strike continues

-- The ongoing strike by truck operators has not hit the markets in the State so far but if it continues it will lead to an increase in price of goods that are transported into the State from Tamil Nadu namely vegetables, rice, flowers, eggs, and chicken... The spiraling demand during Easter-Vishu season had led to a slight increase in price of these goods especially that of meat. There has been an increase of Rs 10 for one kg of dressed chicken which is at present selling at Rs 170 in the State... The traders say that markets have not being affected by the lorry strike though they fear that the situation will change if the strike continues. In wake of the strike, none of the traders have brought vegetable and other goods in bulk and stored them...
(Photo: Lorry strike continues all over India) -- Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - Manorama On Line - 4 April 2015



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