User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER CROSSING * USA / MEX: OOIDA's Federal Court filing

Apr 10, 2015

BORDER CROSSING * USA / MEX: OOIDA's Federal Court filing

* California - OOIDA files as intervenor in lawsuit over open border to Mexican trucks

--   The granting of long-haul trucking authority to Mexico-domiciled motor carriers operating in the U.S.A.. would adversely affect small-business truckers and highway safety, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association stated in a Federal Court filing on Tuesday, April 7... FMCSA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation, issued a report to Congress on Jan. 9 that stated the agency’s intentions to begin granting long-haul authority to Mexico-based motor carriers... The agency concluded that mexicans motor carriers are as safe as, or safer than, their U.S.A. and Canadian counterparts in spite of lack of data to support the determination... FMCSA stated in its report that the performance of the pilot program participants and more than 900 enterprise motor carriers, including 351 that joined during the pilot program, justifies no changes to the regulations... The Teamsters and advocate groups called the report “arbitrary and capricious”. The complaint alleges that the agency’s final determination on the safe operation of pilot program participants is off the mark... A 2014 audit on the program conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General, concludes that FMCSA did provide sufficient monitoring and enforcement of the pilot program participants. But because the program lacked an adequate number of Mexico-domiciled pilot program carriers, the program did not result in statistically valid findings... 
(Photo: Trucks crossing border Mexico-USA at Nogales)  --  San Francisco, CAL, USA - Land Line, by David Tanner - 8 April 2015



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