SPEED LIMIT * USA / NM: 55 mph the new speed limit
* New Mexico - Law will roll back default speed limit on county roads
-- Starting next year, you won't be able to drive more than 55 mph on New Mexico county roads where there's no speed limit posted. Gov. Susana Martinez signed legislation Monday that makes 55 mph the default speed limit on county roads... Republican Sen. Pat Woods of Broadview says the current 75 mph legal limit doesn't make sense for many local, narrow, dirt roads. He says these roads aren't designed or built for the higher speeds allowed on the state's highways and interstates... Woods says Curry County requested the lower limits on county roads for which the current law makes no exception... The new default speed limit will take effect Jan. 1, 2016...
(Photo: Old farm truck on Etsy. Blue Chevy headin' up the road autumn day in New Mexico) -- Las Cruces, N.M., USA - The Associated Press/The Trucker - 7 April 2015
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