User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA: Only eight states rest without anti-indemnification laws - * Missouri - Fit against a truckers' obesity epidemic

Apr 8, 2015

TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA: Only eight states rest without anti-indemnification laws - * Missouri - Fit against a truckers' obesity epidemic

* Arkansas - Truckers now operating with anti-indemnification protection

-- Arkansas has become the 42nd state to protect truckers against having to choose between losing a load or signing a contract that makes them liable for any and all accidents, regardless of who is to blame... Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed an anti-indemnification bill into law March 20 after lawmakers overwhelmingly approved the measure last month... The association and Arkansas’ trucking industry “are so pleased with the members of the Legislature and the governor for supporting this fair bill,” said the Arkansas Trucking Association President, Shannon Newton, and added “Trucking companies in Arkansas will no longer be contractually obligated to underwrite the shipper's own negligence” ... The eight states without anti-indemnification laws are Mississippi, Ohio, Delaware, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire... New Jersey truckers have a bill moving through both chambers of the Legislature there... 
(Photo:Trucker parked in an Arkansas parking space)  --   Little Rock, ARK, USA - Transport Topics, by Michele Fuetsch - 6 April 2015

* Missouri - Prime hosts fittest trucker event

-- Prime Inc. is challenging fleets across America to compete in its third annual “Fittest Trucker in America” competition. Fleets can send their most physically fit male and female drivers to compete August 29 in Springfield, Mo. ... “There is an obesity epidemic leading to premature death in the trucking industry, and as a consequence, helping drivers lose weight has grown in popularity,” said Siphiwe Baleka, Prime’s driver health and fitness coach. Baleka conceived of the competition to recognize drivers who are successfully maintaining healthy lifestyles behind the wheel... “He said, “This competition is designed to identify who is the fittest truck driver in America” ...  Prime is holding 30 spots in its competition for drivers from other carriers with the aim of attracting participants from across the country... 
(Photo: Prime Fit Drivers)   -- Springfield, MO, USA - Go By Truck News - April 7, 2015



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