User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS & DRUGS * Australia: "A small portion of the ­industry was taking drugs regularly"

Apr 7, 2015

TRUCKERS & DRUGS * Australia: "A small portion of the ­industry was taking drugs regularly"

* Victoria - Heavy-vehicle drivers are supposed to drive for a maximum of 12 hours a day. Police admitted that truckies were driving for more than 16 hours and some were using ice and speed to stay awake

--   Truck drivers dealing drugs over cab radio, caught high behind the wheel, are running organised drug syndicates, dealing ice and speed to other big-rig drivers while on the job... Victoria Police figures obtained by the Herald Sun reveal record ­numbers of truck drivers are high while behind the wheel, and 156 ­drivers tested positive last year... Drug-bingeing drivers are racking up lines on log books and others are smoking ice while driving... Trucking industry insiders say deals are being organised using code over the radio and drugs are then handed out... VicRoads has stripped 11,704 heavy vehicle licences from truck drivers for road offences including drugs and speeding... Detective Inspector Bernie Rankinhead of Victoria Police’s transport investigations unit, said some truck drivers were being charged with not only drug-driving but also drug trafficking and possession... Melbourne truck driver said a small portion of the ­industry was taking drugs regularly... Police recently admitted that truckies were driving for more than 16 hours a day and some were using ice and speed to stay awake... In 2014, fatal accidents involving heavy vehicles jumped by 90 per cent to 59. Over the last three years, 350 truckies have been charged with 410 offences. The number of drivers charged jumped to 156 drivers last year from 86 in 2013... 
(Image: A truck on the Hume Highway) -- Melbourne, VIC, Australia - The Herald Sun, by ALEKS DEVIC & ALEX WHITE - April 7, 2015



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