User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: UNSAFE VEHICLES * Australia: Unchecked trucks cause catastrophic consequences

Oct 9, 2014

UNSAFE VEHICLES * Australia: Unchecked trucks cause catastrophic consequences

* Victoria - Trucking giant Cootes Transport

(Image: A fatal crash that left two people dead has been fined more than $50,000 for operating unsafe vehicles in Victoria) 
Sydnew,NSW,Australia -The Herald Sun, by Shannon Deery -October 08, 2014: -- Cootes Transport, the country’s biggest fuel transporter, today pleaded guilty at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court to 67 charges of operating unsafe vehicles... The court heard the defects, that affected dozens of unroadworthy trucks, had the potential to cause catastrophic consequences if left unchecked... 

 -- The magistrate fined the company a total of $50,250 — a fine of $750 for each charge.
 -- Cootes has already been fined $440,000 by a NSW court for similar offending.
 -- Since the Mona Vale crash the Melbourne-based firm has lost its contracts with Shell and BP.
 -- The company has also terminated its contract with 7-Eleven due to poor profitability.
 -- The three contracts combined delivered annual revenue of about $92.5 million to Cootes — 60 per cent of revenues... 

Since then hundreds of the company’s trucks have been inspected across NSW and Victoria, with dozens grounded and hundreds of defect notices issued... In a statement issued this afternoon Cootes said it had committed to working cooperatively with VicRoads and authorities to ensure road safety...

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