User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SAFETY ROADS * USA: Commercial enforcement is different from regular traffic work

Oct 7, 2014

SAFETY ROADS * USA: Commercial enforcement is different from regular traffic work

* Washington - Yakima inspectors seek to educate truckers, enforce laws

Yakima,WASH,USA -The Yakima Herald-Republic, by Donald W. Meyers -OCTOBER 6, 2014: -- Yakima police Officer Jim Moore sits in his pickup watching traffic exit U.S. Highway 12... A truck pulling two trailers laden with apple bins catches his attention... Stopping the truck, Moore, one of Yakima’s commercial vehicle inspectors, asks driver Sergio Cortez to pull into a nearby parking lot for a weight check and inspection... Forty-five minutes later, after weighing the truck with portable scales, measuring the distance between truck axles and doing some arithmetic, Moore delivers the bad news: The truck’s about 2 tons overweight, and he should take off about four apple bins and rearrange the others to bring the load into balance... Moore said commercial enforcement is different from regular traffic work... For starters, inspectors do not need probable cause to pull over a commercial truck because commercial drivers are required by federal law to submit to inspection at any time... If a truck needs to be weighed, Moore can do it in the field with portable scales that weigh the truck axle by axle, or escort the driver to a public certified weigh station...

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