INFRASTRUCTURES * Russia: Bridge test
A bridge strength test: 25 loaded Kamaz Trucks
(Photo: And here the trucks arrive. Loaded. With sand. Twelve first. Then twelve more. Twenty four trucks in total, six hundred tons of live weight)
Moscow,Russia -English Russia, by Tim -October 3, 2014: -- So this is how they test newly built bridges in Russia nowadays. A pack of KAMAZ tip trucks loaded with sand stand side by side, very close to each other. Each truck weighs 25 tons, so this pack grosses at more than six hundred tons tightly packed into one spot. Then this bunch of weight on wheels is moved to another part of the bridge, measurements are taken, then the process is repeated again and again... So the photographer was watching for the whole morning to see how six hundred tons of sand were moved, waiting to see if the bridge would collapse. The spoiler – it didn’t collapse. Want more of a spoiler? Here: do you know where the top managers of the contractor who built the bridge spent their time during this KAMAZ test? You won’t believe it, but they were loaded into a small boat and went under the bridge (probably praying)...
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