User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Dangerous border * USA / Mexico -Truckers warned of dangers in Rio Grande Valley

Oct 14, 2011

Dangerous border * USA / Mexico -Truckers warned of dangers in Rio Grande Valley

(Photo: Hidalgo County is the 7th largest county in Texas with just under a million population)

Hidalgo,TXS,USA -Channel 5 News / Fleet Owner, by Deborah Whistler -Oct 13, 2011: -- Trucking companies that route drivers through the Rio Grande Valley in Texas are warning drivers not to stop when traveling through the area because of violence that has spilled over the Mexico border...  Local police officials reported that a trucker was held at gunpoint over the weekend and his rig loaded with limes was hijacked. Hidalgo County sheriff’s deputies continue to investigate the hijacking and told the news station they suspect Mexico drug cartels could be involved...  The news team spoke to several truckers in the Edinburg, TX, area who said that the word has spread throughout the trucking community in the area not to stop in the valley and many truckers said they are only using major highways to avoid potential hijackers...  One driver, Daniel Mejia, told the news station that truck drivers are often targeted by drug cartels who use the stolen rigs to transport drugs and weapons...



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