Emerging economies can reduce logistics costs by 30 percent, shorten transit time by 65 percent and gain 20 percent to 40 percent more trade by 2020 ...
Beijing,China -The China Daily News -November 11, 2010: ... if more efficient logistics practices are applied, an executive of leading logistics company Deutsche Post DHL said on Wednesday... The logistics company has identified three key approaches, which urge governments and regulators to decrease administrative burdens, reform customs and security processes, and focus on infrastructure investment, to help emerging economies improve their logistics efficiency, said Hermann Ude, chief executive officer of DHL Global Forwarding division... For example, BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - on average require twice as many export or import documents versus "best-in-class" countries such as Singapore and Germany, according to DHL... In terms of customs and security, BRIC countries carry out 10 times more physical cargo inspections than best-in-class countries, without notable improvements in security, DHL reported... (Photo: Truckers on a Russian's road)
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