User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ROUGHEST ROADS * USA - Almost a quarter of major urban roads are in poor shape

Oct 2, 2010

ROUGHEST ROADS * USA - Almost a quarter of major urban roads are in poor shape

(Video from Youtube, by tasogachin -Augusta,Maine -26 March 2010: -- Highway bar mount. Taken on roughest roads in town to check for stability and clarity only...)

Washington,D.C.,USA -USA Today, by Larry Copeland -22 Sept 2010: -- Nearly one-quarter of the USA's major urban roads are in substandard or poor condition, costing the average motorist an extra $402 a year in vehicle operating costs, a transportation research group reports today... TRIP, a non-profit supported by insurance companies and road builders among others, based its report on 2008 data from the Federal Highway Administration, the most recent available... TRIP found that 24% of major urban roads have substandard or poor pavements, a slight improvement over the 26% in its 2007 assessment... The researchers examined about 200,000 miles of urban roads, which carry 78% of the 2 trillion miles driven annually in urban America... Recession-plagued state and local governments are putting off expensive reconstruction projects and simply patching roads, says Frank Moretti, TRIP's director of policy and research... Another report this month by the Los Angeles-based Reason Foundation found that state highways in the USA are in their best shape in nearly 20 years. That study, which measured the effectiveness of state roads in 11 categories including deficient bridges and pavement condition, found that national performance improved in 2008 in all those areas... As of June, the states and Washington, D.C., had used stimulus funding to improve 27,810 miles of pavement and build 397 miles of new roads in urban and rural areas, according to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure...



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