* Virginia - ATA Recognizes Professional Truck Drivers
Arlington,VA,USA -Earth Times -Sept. 20, 2010: -- The American Trucking Associations is taking this week to honor the 3.4 million professional truck drivers that deliver America's freight safely and securely everyday... "Professional truck drivers deliver our nation's essential freight safely everyday," said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. "As a result of this commitment, our nation's highways are the safest they have ever been, and our grocery shelves are stocked. We as a nation owe a great deal to the truck drivers out on our nation's roads everyday" ... During this National Truck Driver Appreciation Week Sept. 19-25, ATA and its state affiliates will mark the celebration by holding events across the nation...
* Wiscosin - Trucker forced to leave dock for questioning company’s bathroom policy. “Nobody wants us around, but they want us to haul their freight” he said
Owen,WI,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Clarissa Kell-Holland -September 24, 2010: -- A simple request to use the bathroom at a food packaging plant recently led to one trucker being asked to drop his trailer at the dock – and leave the premises... Erwin Page of Owen, WI, told Land Line that he arrived around 4 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 16, at the Ring Container Technologies food packaging facility in St. Joseph, MO... He backed into the dock and went to bed for a few hours. Around 8:30 a.m., he said he went inside the facility and asked an office employee if he could use the bathroom... “I was told that drivers weren’t allowed inside to use the facilities, but I explained that there weren’t any Port-a-Potties or anything outside for drivers to use either,” he said. “I was told to just go back outside and pee behind my trailer by the dock, like everybody else does” ... Eventually, Page said he was allowed to use the restroom in the office after he asked to speak to the higher-ups about the company’s policy. However, not long after the incident, and after he contacted his dispatcher about what happened, Page received a phone call from his dispatcher that the facility had called and said he was “no longer welcome” at Ring’s facility... Another driver had to pick up Page’s trailer and deliver it to him at a nearby truck stop... For Page, he said it was an ordeal he won’t soon forget... “Nobody wants us around, but they want us to haul their freight,” he said. “It’s like drivers being treated like dogs” ... (Photo Ring Containers Technologies Little Rock Plant - One Industrial Park Rd. -Oakland,TN,USA)Labels: truckers' complain, truckers' story
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