Trucking Industry Software * USA - Program That Promises to End Deadhead Trips
A web site known as EmptyMiles
Lincoln,Nebraska,USA -Ezine articles, by Felix Obrien -Sept 2010:... About one in four trucks that you discover running on the country's system of highways, run empty, with no load. They're returning house after having gone out on a run.There's no way they are able to get things organized and discover a load that wants to go the other way just in time. These no-load return trips waste time, money and fuel, and also the end client ends up paying for all of this... Finally now although, is new hope - trucking industry software program that aims to make deadhead trips a thing of the past... The plan is really a web site known as EmptyMiles, and it is been place together by a nonprofit group, VICS, has produced this web site with trucking industry software program on board that may assist member businesses locate and make use of empty trucks that they are able to see on the system's database as they require them... The savings could be phenomenal, and businesses are recognized to love those. For a business to get on board the program, it only takes just a little more than $1500 a year... For the most part, businesses that get products shipped by truck, expect to pay close to $2.50 for a journey up and down. They pay for the empty return journey too. If they could get in touch with a shipper via EmptyMiles, and get the deal carried out it could save businesses billions... (Photo from t0.gstatic: Flatlanders Mini Truck Sales)
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