INFRASTRUCTURES * USA - US Chamber to Introduce Transporation Index
Transportation Performance Index to measure effectiveness of infrastructure
Washington,DC,USA -The Journal of Commerce Online, by R.G. Edmonson -Sep 21, 2010: -- The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Thursday will introduce what it calls an important new tool to gauge the effectiveness of transportation infrastructure...The Transportation Performance Index will be presented by Chamber President, Thomas Donohue, followed by panel discussions with the index’s creators... According to the chamber, the performance index is intended to focus public attention on the need for transportation infrastructure improvement. The index will combine data from a variety of sources to quantify the transportation needs of business and overall performance of infrastructure in the nation’s economy...
* Kerry Promises Infrastructure Bank Bill for Next Session.Senator speaks as key witness at Finance Committee hearing
Washington,DC,USA -The Journal of Commerce Online, by R.G. Edmonson -Sep 21, 2010: -- Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said Tuesday he will be working on a bill to create a national infrastructure bank that should be ready by the time the 112th Congress convenes in January 2011... Kerry was the lead witness before the Senate Finance Committee in a hearing to discuss the prospects for an infrastructure bank... The bank would be a source of capital that would leverage private investment in infrastructure. In one concept, the bank would be limited to transportation projects.Under an alternate scenario, other infrastructure such as water and sewer systems, high-speed rail and the national electric grid would be objects for lending... The idea of the bank is one of the priorities PresidentObamamentioned in January in his State of the Union address... Kerry said he was meeting Tuesday afternoon with stakeholders with the hope of building support for a bill...
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