While freight loads so far this year are running only about 6.7% ahead of the dismal levels of last year, many fleets are reporting difficulty in hiring drivers
Arlington,VA,USA -Transport Topics -20 Sept 2010: -- The trucking industry seems to operate primarily in a boom or bust cycle. Rarely, it seems, are things stable for very long... Fuel seems to be forever skyrocketing or plunging; there’s either way too much freight or far too little; equipment is either impossible to find or there is so much around there’s no place to park the overflow... Nowadays, with the economy seemingly on a slow but steady rise and with freight levels improving but hardly setting any records, a disturbing shortage of drivers is already occurring... And with nearly every analyst predicting that business will improve later this year and next, carriers are stepping up efforts to find qualified drivers... Industry economist Noel Perry warned last week that the driver shortage could reach 350,000 when the economy is steaming along later in the recovery in 2011 or 2012... To attract qualified drivers, some fleets are beginning already to raise pay and offer substantial bonuses to new candidates...
* Industry Frustrated by Lean Trucking Lines
Lawrenceville,GA,USA -Pool & Spa, by Ben Thomas -23 Sept 2010: -- A BioLab warehouse sits full of products ready to ship. Retailers wait for their orders with dwindling patience, and corporate transportation manager Aaron Fick is feeling their pain: He’s been searching for a shipping company that will send out a truck today — any truck at all... Said Fick, who oversees transportation from BioLab’s headquarters ... “The days of being able to pick up a phone on a Friday afternoon and get a truck are behind us” ... Long lead times on product shipments have been a noticeable problem for retailers at least since last year’s fourth quarter. To some extent, the problem is caused by a shortage of drivers available to make deliveries... The trucking industry has lost approximately 150,000 drivers nationwide since the recession began, according to published reports. This is partly due to larger trucking companies reducing their fleets for a downturned economy, and partly the result of many smaller companies being forced to close shop...Labels: drivers' shortage
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