Cloud Computing Service * Japan - Local Network System for Trucking Companies
Tokyo,Japan -JCN Newswire/Digital Journal-Sept 13, 2010: -- Fujitsutoday announced that, in collaboration with the Japan Local Network System federation of trucking company unions, it has updated the most advanced truck and freight booking system in Japan and implemented it as a private cloud computing service... The Local Network Systemis used by 1,650 small- and medium-sized trucking companies throughout Japan to match cargo information to space available on their trucks, facilitating the booking of truck requests and cargo requests to help them to run their businesses more efficiently... The Japan Local Network System federation of trucking company unions uses it to disclose logistics information on carrier vehicles, freight, and warehouses, while carriers use it to exchange information directly, as well as to execute contracts and settle accounts in real time.New features in the system include the ability to calculate CO2 emissions for each trip and the ability to use map data, thereby leveraging the power of ICT to help carriers further develop their businesses... Features of Local Network System v3... The new version uses Internet-based map data to show origins, destinations, and trip data with greater precision, for more efficient and higher quality deliveries... (Photo from Ecoliner, 31-foot container)
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