INFRASTRUCTURES * Brazil - WEF report brands Brazil's transport infrastructure 'appalling'
Unexploited potential of its 48,000km of navigable waterways...
Tianjin,China -Transport Intelligence (UK), by John Manners-Bell -12 Sep 2010:--Ahead of its Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010 in Tianjin, China, the World Economic Forum has published its Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011... Switzerland tops the overall rankings whilst the United States falls two places to fourth position, overtaken by Sweden (2nd) and Singapore (3rd), after already ceding the top place to Switzerland last year...The report takes into account a wide range of different factors in assessing the level of each country's competitiveness. The most relevant from a logistics perspective is 'infrastructure', although of course more generalised factors such as, 'goods market efficiency', 'macroeconomic environment' and 'technological readiness' have an indirect impact on the sector... Brazil is highlighted by the report. Overall it was ranked 67th in terms of transport infrastructure; 105th in terms of 'quality of roads', 123rd in terms of ports, 93rd in terms of air transport infrastructure and 83rd in terms of rail. WEF described the state of transport infrastructure in the country as 'appalling' and highlighted the unexploited potential of its 48,000km of navigable waterways...(Photo by R.Pierse, from homepage.ntlworld: Sunset, Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil, 21/4/00)
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