Maybe the United States should be living up to its end of the bargain by agreeing to what is called for when it signed the NAFTA accord
New York,NY,USA -Gerson Lehrman Group, by John Schulz -August 20, 2010: ... If somebody were lying to you, even a good neighbor, eventually you would get irritated with that neighbor, right? Right now, that neighbor is the United States, and the one getting irritated is Mexico... Under terms of the 16-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexican- and Canadian-domiciled trucks were supposed to be allowed to operate in this country, at least on a limited basis... We've agreed to that as far as the Canadians are concerned. For the Mexicans, not so much... Bowing to political pressure, the Obama administration has pulled back from a pilot program that would have allowed 100 or so highly inspected Mexican trucking companies to operate in this country beyond the 25-mile "free trade zone" along our southern border... Because of this, the Mexican government is pushing back with a variety of tariffs as much as 25 percent on U.S. products, including pork, cheese, ketchup, corn and fruits. In March 2009, the Mexican government began the increased tariffs of as much as 45 percent on such products as vegetables, wine, juices, sunglasses and toothpaste... The trucking industry can handle that level of competition. After all, there are some 7,000 U.S. trucking fleets registered at the Department of Transportation. A hundred or so more Mexican fleets hardly will make much of a difference... What this is all about is not competition, but rather politics... (Photo from cache3.asset-cache: US Department of Transportation's trucks control, at mexican border)Labels: mexicans' trucks debate, trucking industry analysis USA
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