TRUCKERS' SAFETY * Europe - Half of all truck drivers do not use a safety belt
London,UK -HGV UK -April 6, 2010: -- The use of safety belts among Europe’s truck drivers is growing steadily. Still, however, fewer than half of all truck drivers use a safety belt. A recent study by the CEESAR research institute showed that the number of fatalities and injuries in traffic accidents would decrease by 40 per cent if everyone buckled up... Road accidents are one of the most common causes of death in modern society. Between 2001 and 2008, 375,000 people were killed in traffic accidents in Europe. A key reason for this high death rate is that many Europeans still do not use safety belts. Truck drivers are at particularly high risk in road traffic... Safety belt use among truck drivers ranges from 10 to 70 per cent in European countries, with an average of 50 per cent of drivers using the life-savers.This is despite the fact that safety belts are the best guarantee of safety in the event of an accident. A recent study by the CEESAR research institute showed that the number of fatalities and injuries in traffic accidents would decrease by 40 percent if everyone drove with safety belts. 6 out of 10 people involved in accidents would have suffered less serious injuries if they had used safety belts...
* In France, safety belt use has for several years been above 70%. France has introduced a point system to penalise people who drive without safety belts...
* In Sweden, however, somewhat surprisingly as it's where safety belts originated, usage is about 40%...
* In the USA, 72% cent of drivers use safety belts, although in states with stricter laws, the figure is 80% cent.
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