WOMEN in TRUCKING * Canada - She can help shore up trucking's HR holes
From drivers to fleet owners and company chairs, more women than ever before are advancing up the career ladder in Canadian trucking
Winnipeg,ONT,CAN -Today's Trucking -4 March 2010: ... That's the word from a trio of female trucking pros who spoke about evolving roles for women in trucking at the recent Future of Trucking Symposium in Winnipeg... The so-called driver shortage might seem like yesterday's news today, but Canada's impending demographic dearth is real and the difficulty of finding quality people to pilot trucks will return in the not-too-distant future once economic conditions improve...The trucking industry is male dominated at a rate of 85 percent percent and strategies to attract both drivers and management personnel should include the other half of the population, saysLinda Gauthier, executive director of the Canadian Transportation Human Resources Council... OBAC's Joanne Ritchiesays,technology such as automatic transmissions and better vehicle design and ergonomics is making it easier for women to overcome barriers that have historically kept them out of the industry, such as long hours away from home and physical demands of the job...(Photo from media.thestar.topscms.co: Balwinder Gill, who didn't know how to drive when she came to Canada in 2000, checks her rig at Mattu Transport in Mississauga before heading to Montreal, a trip she makes five times a week)
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